BST Tutoring Interest Form 2022-2023
Would you like to help your fellow students, complete some community service hours, and receive a letter of recommendation from Dr. Shannon as a result of your stellar work alongside our BST students in need of academic support? Look no further! We are recruiting tutors for before, during, and after school! Academic criteria to work in our BST Tutoring Program applies. If you have a 3.0 overall, a B or better in the subject area you would like to tutor in, and good citizenship, you may be chosen for this highly regarded position within our small school. You must have a passion to help others and be reliable/able to attend the tutoring for which you are signed up and will be assigned a class for the duration of the quarter. If you feel you qualify, please fill in the following form and we'll be in touch shortly!
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Cell Phone Number *
Graduating Class *
I am interesting in tutoring (check all that apply; you can change your mind later) *
I would like to tutor... *
If you answered "during school" for the above question, what period would you like to tutor in?
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What subject would you feel comfortable tutoring in? Be specific! (Experts not required - just a willingness to work alongside a student with a certain degree of proficiency) Example: Integrated Math 1, Biology, Chemistry, English 10 etc. *
Enter any special requests or ideas here.
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